product: ETEM
End-To-End Modeler

Sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Directed Energy Directorate, Laser Division, Laser Effects Modeling and Simulations Branch (AFRL/RDLE), the End-To-End Modeler, or ETEM, is the premier laser weapon system simulator. Designed to be flexible and extensible, ETEM enables cutting-edge, end-to-end simulations of laser weapon engagements. High-fidelity, physics-based modeling capabilities include:
- Atmospheric propagation, including turbulence, and thermal blooming
- Radiometrically accurate scene generation, including backgrounds, active illumination, and speckle modeling
- In-the-loop tracking and (cooperative and noncooperative) adaptive optics
- Thermal damage modeling
ETEM’s modular framework allows analysts to design engagement scenarios combining any or all of these capabilities to evaluate real systems in real conditions even before they are built. ETEM combines and extends the capabilities of state-of-the-art third-party libraries to model different aspects of the simulation, including WaveTrain for wave optics and LEEDR for weather and atmospherics.
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Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Public Affairs release approval #AFRL-2024-0565.